Obstruction in the movement of Aprons during doffing in modern cards. short skirts; short hair; the board was a foot short; a short toss. 新型梳棉机在落卷时皮板输送带(皮圈,围裙)行受阻。短裙;短发;甲板只有一英尺长;一次投得很近的投掷。
Short skirts; short hair; the board was a foot short; a short toss. 短裙;短发;甲板只有一英尺长;一次投得很近的投掷。
On the basis, the overall design of the system is completed. The control board, the display and operation panel and the foot board are designed. 在此基础上完成了对控制系统的整体设计,实现了对主控板、显示与操作面板和脚踏板的设计。